Management buck -140)------------------------------ $3,500
(141-150) --------------------------------------------$4,500
(151-160) --------------------------------------------$5,500
(161-170) --------------------------------------------$6,500
(171-180) --------------------------------------------$7,500
(181-190) --------------------------------------------$8,500
(191-200) ------------------------------------------- $10,500
(201-230 --------------------------------------------$12,500
(231-250) --------------------------------------------$14,500
(251-300) --------------------------------------------$16,500
(300+ ----------------------------------------Call for Pricing
This is a general price list.
Some animals may be reduced at the ranch.
Exceptional animals may be priced at a higher rate.
Exotic Hunts
Red Stag Ranch is proud to offer Trophy Texas Exotic Hunts.
Red Stag
126" up to 150 "---------------------- $4,000
151" - 199" -------------------------- $7,000
200"- 250" -------------------------- $9,000
251"- 300" -------------------------- $12,000
301"- 350" -------------------------- $14,000
351"- 399 " --------------------------- $16,000
400"- 430" ---------------------------- $20,000
431"- 499" ---------------------------- $30,000
500" plus To Be Negotiated
Red Hind --------------------------- $1,750
Male Only up to 32"---------------$12,000
*not available until Fall of 2023
Male Only greater than 32"--------$13,000
When Available
Scimitar Oryx
Male Only ---------------$6,500
Male Only ---------------$10,000
Black Buck Antelope
Black Buck--------------------------- $ 5,5000
Female------------------------------- $1,000.00
Axis Male----------------------------- $5,000
Axis Male 28"- 32"--------------------- $ 5,500
Axis Male Elite- 33" or greater ---------- $ 6,000
Axis Doe------------------------------ $ 1,000
Chocolate , Fawn & White
Fallow Buck Standard ------------- $6,500
Fallow Buck Elite ----------------- $7,500
Fallow Doe----------------------- $1,600
Note: Elite definition. Palmation width is greater than 6" wide on either side.
Exceptional animal. Guide will notify.
This is a general price list. Some animals may be reduced at the ranch.
Exceptional animals may be priced at a higher rate.